Welcome to the home page of Pioneer Trading Co., Ltd.
We will do our best to make your access meaningful and instructive by providing you with detailed information on Japan's wire market and industry.

Pioneer has been exporting a large variety of wire working machines, tools and wire products to every corner of the globe. We have the kind of in-depth knowledge and experience to ensure get the finest machinery and tooling designed to boost productivity and greatly reduce production costs. Moreover, we can guarantee you speedy delivery and efficient service.
You get a smoother running business with Pioneer as your partner.

* Joint study, research, and analysis
* Supply selection consultation
* In-Japan Hospitality service
* Client/supplier negotiations
* Production management
* On-site after service
* Packing & shipping management
* Production management
* Production schedule planning
* Determining specifications
* Initial consultation

Supplying the International Metal Forming Industry

Pioneer Trading becomes your comprehensive data bank for equipment and supplies.

Here's what Pioneer can do for you.

Cold Heading Wire

1. CHQ wire
2. wire drawing machines & peripheral equipments
3. drawing dies (tungsten, diamond)
4. other wire-related equipments

Heading or Forming

1. cold headers (double, 2-2, 2-3, micro, bi-metal)
2. formers (bolts, nuts, parts, warm and micro types)
3. punches
4. dies
5. trimming dies
6. pins
7. tool repair equipments (tool grinders, milling machines, lathes)
8. other cold forging items

Threading or Nut tapping

1. thread rollers
2. nut tappers (M3-M36, hex, square, flanged, round, special nuts) + reversible types for blind products
3. drill point formers & tools
4. rolling dies (machine, gimlet, cylindrical, micro, forming)
5. nut taps (nibs, bent shanks, cutting, rolling)
6. tap flute grinders
7. much more

Heat Treatment, Packaging & Environmental Equipment

1. furnaces
2. inspection machines (screws, bolts, nuts)
3. packaging machines
4. gauges

Cold Formed Products

1. formed components
2. bolts, nuts, screws, rivets + lock nuts
3. auto parts
4. fine ceramic & plastic screw products
5. riveting machines
6. many other items

More than just an exporter, Pioneer is a comprehensive technical advisor for metal forming processes. Set up a "joint venture" with Pioneer for a smoother running business with greater profitability.

We are specialists in solving your most difficult production problems.

Let Pioneer Trading become your production advisor. We help cut costs by getting you the right machine, materials, and tools - all at the right price.

For more information, please contact
4-1, Kuzuha-Asahi 3-Chome, Hirakata, Osaka 573-1111 Japan
Phone: +81-72-855-0156 Fax: +81-72-855-1814
E-mail: info@ptcjp.com