We have been striving to design and manufacture new forming tools seeking for unlimited possibility.
Individually hand made, reliable and technically perfect (DIE)
The forging process, which compresses and forms the metal blanks, is most economically rational method.
Using the forging process, ATAISU dies contribute a vital part improving quality, increasing productivity and achieving goal of reaching lower product cost.
We ATAISU are totally dedicated and committed in producing the most precise die, using our many years of expertise in production and forging technology field.
We ATAISU work not only as the forging die maker but also concentrate our efforts in the study and development field positively challenging the limitless possibilities of a unique perfect forging die. We establish rational systems corresponding to our customer expectations and needs. ATAISU contribution to industry and technology our leadership in continuous improvement and new technology build pride and passion in our die production and study in response to the ever changing variety of production kinds that are part of our current age.

Many high precise quality tools have been produced with our novel sense for many years.
We- ATAISU are supplying many high precise products including the special dies of nut former, bolt former, parts former and header in the market by designing and producing tungsten carbide dies and the other tools.
Our dies create the various products from micro and precise screws used for the electronics devices to the important parts used in automobiles, ships, aircrafts, rockets and in addition, civil construction, bridges and architecture. These parts are widely used in the various industry fields. The usage range of our dies is ever expanding in the responding to the high quality and variety of the present day industrial field.
ATAISU put our long experienced data and know-how fully to practical use to produce these high precise forging products to meet the usage purpose and work hand night and day to produce high precise dies in responding to the demand of the age.
Variety of Parts Various Blanks Forged

The design stage is the crucial point to produce high precise quality tools and we have contributed greatly to the research and development and production of the forming tools with keen intelligence.
Free imagination and original flexible thinking power are our principle
The basis of the tools production is in the design of the individual die unit. The design section study from the various points include the kinds of tungsten carbide, steel, heat treatments methods, etc. catching the user's needs precisely.
The design staffs of ATAISU always discuss as a team, the up to date thought and current technology of individual die designs in search for higher efficiency, higher productivity and improved rationalization for our customer.
The automatic design operated with CAD and computer and the complicate calculation and analysis and the precise tools machining and the speed-up design are used by design staff at ATAISU.

The high precise quality parts are produced only with high precise quality tool and we are aiming at improving tool quality every minute.
A single mistake for the tools are not allowable. The quality control is most important mission.
We - ATAISU is thinking that the tools are the quality itself. The wrong tools can not make the good forging parts and a tiny error destroys the quality.
A single mistake for the tools are not allowable. ATAISU is measuring the quality with the modern measurement devices and handling the hard quality control completely with computer connecting the production process control room to the factory.
We are supplying the superior tools keeping "the quality is the reliance" to ourselves in our minds and building our pride in our product.
Our forming tools have been well accepted and serving to various industries in wide range worldwide.
Develop originality and always aim for tomorrows technology. Continuous study and development of new product and technology.
The forging goods produced by the tools of ATAISU are in multitude of components. We are in contact with daily.
For examples, the usage is wide from the field of the precise devices, watches, cameras, etc. to automobiles, trains, aircraft and rockets to bicycle, lawn mowers, high way roads, bridges and buildings.
We always burn our volition to study and develop new product and technology absorbing the modern knowledge and information in the wide vision view and advancing a half or one step forward constantly and without delayed or flowed by the time.
We dream in future, and unknown world is spread limitless before us. This is our ATAISU bright tomorrow.